Today, I would like to remind you that a great way to stay trim, healthy, and strong for the rest of your lives is to begin establishing your daily disciplines NOW!
The most important thing during crisis is to control your time, energy,
attitude, and resources. It's a time to get still and developer more discipline in my schedule so I can start to put control into an environment where there appears to be a loss of control.
(Some things will be completely out of your control, so control what you can control. )
I put myself down at 10pm each night and wake up before the sun rises, getting myself eight hours of sleep. Good Sleep + Positive thinking = Boosts your immune system!
I also am looking to eat well and maintain exercising, even if it's at home simply doing pushups along with jumping rope workouts. Here is one of my favorite 10 Min Beginner Jump Rope Workout
Here is my list of Vitamins & Immune system support to block any virus.
Based on an amazing podcast lecture by Dr. Steven Gundry (Must listen audio)
— Vitamin C ( 1000 2x a day)
— Vitamin D3 5000 iu (over 3 days) --- SuperLysine Immune support (Whole foods)
---- Sunlight 30min a day.
I also limit myself to no more than 90 minutes of TV time, avoiding news as much as possible and increase my reading (self-enhancement) time to at least one hour a day.
Also, it is essential to stay groomed as much as you can, yes down there as well. Cut your nails, scrub your face, shave your balls. The proven method to make you feel good. below I attached another video on how I do male body trimming.
These are just some of the things I'm doing. Please wright comments below on what practices you do to stimulate your manhood ?
Luv your tips Alex