The modern man knows manscaping and body hair maintenance. But it isn’t always easy to keep up with the upkeep body hair requires. When shaving and plucking aren’t enough, it’s time to consider waxing to remove unwanted body hair. You’ve most definitely got questions, and we’ve got answers. Here’s everything you need to know about male to male waxing.
Is it an embarrassing experience? Body waxing is a personal experience that clients need to feel comfortable with every step of the way. Alex is a licensed professional with years of experience under his belt and ample testimonial from raving clients. Clients are treated with the utmost respect and privacy.
Why wax instead of shaving? Shaving actually stimulates the cells in the hair to continue growing and producing length, while waxing allows for the cells to produce at their natural rate. So, waxing means you’ll have to deal with hair regrowth at a much slower rate than with shaving.
Why male to male body waxing? Only other men can truly understand another man’s body. Male to male waxing means you’ll have a professional who can relate to your body and the areas on a man’s body that are frequent issue areas. You’ll feel more at ease having a guy wax you than you would otherwise. Men know men’s bodies.
Does waxing cause irritation? Alexspot24 uses essential oils, ingrown hair therapies, and before and after waxing treatments to guarantee your skin avoids irritation and sustained redness.
Does waxing hurt? Alexspot24 uses the latest methods, highest grade waxes, and latest technology to provide customers with the easiest, gentlest waxing experience. Long gone are the days of “rip and pull”. Alexspot24 will work to ensure as pleasant of a waxing as possible.
Read more about what waxing for men products and practice we use - Click Here
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